Stop, Drop, and Roll
Last night we gave Litte Dom the ever so frightening tummy time. Well this time he decided he didn't want tummy time and he rolled himself over to his back. This was a 1st for him so Juan and I are, of course, the proud parents. He did it once more after that too!!! I can already tell he will be a hand full once he starts crawling around the house.
As for my day, I took out the climbing wall Counterdrug has and we had over 150 7th graders climb it as part of their end of school year activity. It sure is hot outside, especially when you have to wear the Army uniform. This weekend it's supposed to be 100 degrees out. I don't think I'm ready for that yet so I plan on staying indoors. Hopefully it's cooler for all of you outside of Boise. I guess that's all of my exciting news for now.