My Weight Tracker Familia Mendoza: August 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008


I finally made it to Friday and it's Labor Day weekend which means 3 days off. Yes!! Juan and my 2nd anniversary is 3 Sep so we are celebrating on Sunday with a nice dinner courtesy of my dad and then we are staying in the Safari Room at the Anniversary Inn. I LOVE their huge waterfall bath tubs. Other than that, I will probably spend tomorrow getting the house clean since it's a disaster area.
In Dominik news, he actually says 2 things now besides mama and dada. He loves the word dog and pretty much every animal he sees is a dog to him and then he started saying night, night when my dad came over for dinner a couple days ago. Juan took him to this place called the Little Gym and they have parent/toddler classes where the babies get to interact with other kids and participate in different activities. He had a free trial and he absolutely loved it! I really want him to be able to take the 20 week semester there, but it's about $300 to enroll a child. I know he would love it and it would really help him get used to be around other kids and everything , but that's a lot of money. I'm thinking I may be able to enroll him in the winter semester for his birthday so we will see if that works out. He did really well and this place is 1 block away from our place so it's really convenient.
Other than that, I have some new pics of Dom, I just need to post them so hopefully tomorrow while he naps. Happy Labor Day everyone. Be sure to relax!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Here are a few new pics of Dominik. It's been extremely hot lately so he has just been running around the house in a diaper to stay cool. He also discovered Skinny Cow icecream on a stick. Yummy!!


I saw this on one of my friend’s blog. I thought it was such a fun and cute idea! Here are the rules...

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

If you see this your tagged, you have to do it!! Have fun, and don't be shy (but please be gentle!!!)

Friday, August 1, 2008


Wow!! I didn't realize I hadn't posted since June!! I'm getting lazy. Well, and the past almost 2 weeks I was in MA completing a military school. The school itself was boring, but getting to see Boston was awesome. We got 2 evenings where we had enough time to drive into the city and the severe fatigue the next morning was well worth it. I ate at the "Cheers" restaurant and got a glass as a souvineer. I also bought a cool silk shirt that you can wear 50 different ways and I rode the subway for the first time. You really see a lot of interesting people on the subway and I found it hard not to stare at times. I saw a crap load of people you could tell loved their drugs, people that spoke some sort of language from what sounded like a trive in Africa, and then others that looked like they belonged in the show "The Sopranos". I also briefly saw the Boston Harbor which was full of boats and ships in all different sizes. Boston is a city I would go back to on vacation so I have more time to see the historic sites.
Other than that, my little man is doing great. He now climbes chairs and loves to try and sneak onto the kitchen table. He discoverd that he LOVES blackberries and would eat them everyday if we had them. He also loves to talk on the phone and has become quite helpful at throwing things into the trash and his laundry basket. Juan's iPod came up missing a couple weeks ago and we have come to the conclusion that Dom got ahold of it and threw it away without our knowledge. Dang all the luck!!
I will do my best to post some nw pics of him tonight so I'm not labeled a blog slacker!
In closing, I want to say welcome to Idaho to Kelsey and to Drew, Alicia, and Korven, I hope you have a safe trip and you better keep in touch through emails. If you guys need anything, let me know. Love you all and I hope all goes well on the East Coast!!