My Weight Tracker Familia Mendoza: August 2007

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What a Tall Guy

Dominik had his 6 month appointment yesterday where he received 3 more shots in his legs. He wasn't too happy about that and hopefully he won't get a fever this time. Last night he was a bit crazy. He woke up at midnight to eat and then again at 3 am. At 3 he decided he wanted to party so he played and practiced his new high-pitched screams until 5 am when he decided it was time to go back to sleep. Needless to say, Juan and I are both tired today. Back to the doctor, Dom weighed in at 16 lb 4 oz which is less than I thought he would be but he is an astounding 27 inches long! The nurse measured him twice because she didn't think that was right, but it is. I guess he has big feet to support his height, that's my theory anyways.
Tonight my dad is coming over since he's in town this week so I am going to make dinner. The menu consists of spicy BBQ chicken legs, corn on the cob and mashed potatoes. I figure we will fore-go dessert since both me and my dad have a PT test next drill. Yep, my 1st physical fitness test since I got pregnant. I'm a bit nervous, but I think I will pass it. I need to in order to apply for that job 1 Oct.
Oh, and this weekend is Juan and me's 1st anniversary. Grandma Rosa is taking Dom from Fri night until Mon afternoon. This will be his 1st overnighter so hopefully he will be a good boy. I will definitely miss him, but at least I can sleep in for 2 mornings. Juan and I will be taking an overnight trip to Jackpot, NV. I reserved a room with a hot tub in it so that should be fun. I think I will probably just play the cheap slot machines and if I'm lucky I will bring home a couple hundred bucks. Either way, it should be a fun trip.
Well, guess I'll go eat my lunch now and find something to make time pass the rest of the afternoon. More pics to follow.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Mmmm... Sweet Potatoes

Here's the pic I promised to post. Dom manages to look handsome even with food all over his face. I wish I could pull that off. The other one is his attempt to put his hands in my plate of pasta that I was eating a couple nights ago for dinner. I don't know what his fascination is with dishes, but he loves to grab at them all. He doesn't care if your trying to eat your food or drink a glass of water.
Nothing else going on with us today. I woke up dizzy and a bit nauseated. It kind of feels like a hang-over, only I haven't had any alcohol to drink. I finally drank a nasty glass of alkeseltzer, so we'll see how that works. Juan has to work tonight so I think Dominik and I will just hand out at home unless I start feeling better. I want to go and find some black boots for myself, but we'll see. I'm dreading the crowds at the store. I'm definitely not a people person anymore so even going to the store stresses me out. I even go to less crowded stores for little things even if it's more expensive because Walmart drives me crazy.
Well, guess that's all that's on my mind for now. Enjoy the pics of my handsome man.

Friday, August 24, 2007


Well, I don't have much to say, but like Kelsey, I'M BORED!! I'm just sitting here at work waiting for 3:30 to get here. Today is an 8 hr day so I get to leave a whole hour early. I'll take what I can get. Basically all I've done today is order office supplies and get some orders ready for 2 or our personnel to go to Guam and help out their Counterdrug Office with some stuff. During my lunch break I went to Shopko and bought a 2nd TV stand. We have 1 huge tv on the floor and then the VCR and game system sit on the old tv stand. Our little tv is also in the living room, which Dominik inherited to watch his baby 1st tv on, but it is sitting on a ghetto plastic box. I decided I better get something sturdy for that TV before it falls over and hurts my little guy or something. My project for tomorrow will be putting that thing together.

I also made today my "cheat day" as there was a Jack in the Box right by Shopko and I wanted some fries and a spicy chicken sandwich. It sure sucks how you regret eating something like that when you usually try to watch it. It's not something I do often so I'm sure it doesn't do too much damage, but I still feel guilty afterwards. I've lost 17 lbs so I finally broke that plateau I hit because I upped the mileage I was running. I still have 9 lbs to go though until I get to where I want to be. Instead of counting fat and carbs, I think I will just watch my calories for awhile, but not to the point I'm starving myself. I still avoid sugar as much as possible but I want to see how watching calories goes since the weight loss has slowed and it's time to try something different. I think I have been extra tired lately because I increased my cardio workout but haven't been eating more carbs. That's the only reason I can think of for my sudden fatigue that began a couple days ago.

In Lil Dom news, he is officially 6 months old today!!! I started giving him jars of baby food 5 days ago so hopefully the pediatrician won't yell at me at his appointment on Tues since I started giving it to him before discussing it with her. Here's what he's experienced so far:

Pears-LOVES them
Peaches-Hates them
Peas-Likes them
Apricots-Hates them (too much like peaches)
Apples-Loves them
Sweet Potatoes-LOVES them
Bananas-Likes them

I think tomorrow we might try some Prunes and maybe squash for dinner. I think the prunes might be too sour for him, but we'll see. I will post a pic of the sweet potato dinner from last night sometime tomorrow. He got them everywhere!
Only 2 more hours of work left. Whoo hoo!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Last Friday I thought I had finally escaped my job at Counterdrug. I got a call from the Med Detachment (where I'm going to apply for a full time job in October) and they said they had work until the end of December and asked if I wanted it. This would give me the chance to learn everything for the job I am applying for so I could be ahead of everyone else that applies. I said, heck yeah I want it so I was so excited about it and I have a good feeling that I will be hired on permanantely in Oct anyways because I'm learning new things and I know of a few people that want me in that job because they know I will do well at it. Anyways, come to find out, this Lieutenant said it was the same type of work I do now when it's really a technician job so that means a lot less pay and no medical benefits. That isn't a good idea as I have a family to support. Now I'm stuck at Counterdrug until at least October. The good thing is this gives me time to prepare for the interview and update the resume and all that. Everyone who prays out there, please pray for me that I can do well in the interview and get this job.
Other than that, the fair is going on so we might check it out this weekend. Tomorrow grandma Rosa and family are coming to Boise so we are going to picnic by the river and all go watch Juan's last hockey game of the season. The weather is finally cooling down around here so it finally feels pretty good outside.
I guess my dad caught a 200 lb halibut during his fishing trip in Alaska. I expect to get a little taste of some of that fish. I'm sure he's having a blast and relieving some stress. Must be nice!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Juan and Me

Kelsey and Jenette both inspired me to tell some facts/stories about Juan and I. I figure now is a good time to do that since I'm sitting here at work bored out of my mind. Enjoy!!
1) We met through (odd, I know)and I figured it was a good place to find a date since I don't go to bars and I didn't want anymore military men. Juan emailed me first and I thought he was cute, especially since I have always been attracted to men of Latin decent, so I emailed him back and agreed to a date. We went to a sushi restaraunt since he knew I liked it from my webpage. He had never tried it before and was a little hesitant, but since that day, he wants it ALL THE TIME.

2) Juan got me back into going to church. We attend a Christian non-denominational church together which I really enjoy. The pastor is awesome and he talks about the bible in a way that makes it easy to understand. I had wanted to give our church a try before I met Juan, but I was too nervous to go on my own, so I thank him for getting me back into it.

3) We both enjoy watching hockey and in fact, a Steelheads game was our 2nd date. Juan plays on a local team so Dominik and me enjoy attending his games. He hasn't been playing for long, but he is making big improvements on his skills each season. When Lil Dom is old enough to skate, dad plans on teaching him the game of hockey.

4) Juan was born in Hondo, TX and would love to move back there. He hates the cold and loves the heat/humidity down south. I hate humidity and cockroaches so I don't see a move in that direction happening anytime soon. Eventually, we may have to compromise on Oregon or something since he also enjoys Portland. I don't plan on moving anytime in the next few years though, so Boise it is.

5) We both have an extremely low tolerance for people that drive slow in the passing lane and block traffic. Neither of us have any patience what so ever which is probably a bad thing, but at least it's something in common.

6) We both LOVE the beach (Hawaii), but Juan refuses to go in the ocean. He hates sharks and doesn't want to take any chances at an attack. I, on the other hand love going in the water. I make him hold the camera and take action shots of me while I ride the waves. We plan on going back in Feb of 2009 when Dominik turns 2. By that time he should have a good time playing in the sand.

7) Our favorite dessert is strawberry cheesecake. That makes it easy for us to share a dessert on the rare occasion we have room for it after we eat dinner at one of our favorite restaraunts. Too bad it's horrible for you.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Well, I will start off by telling you all that the baby in the picture is not the same one I saw, but I picked that one off the internet because it bears a strong resemblence. The size of the baby is pretty close, only the one I saw had fair skin. Now for my little guy. He's growing up quick. Today he started sitting up all by himself. He can do it for a couple minutes at a time before he gets fatigued, but this is his 1st photo of it. You will have to ignore the big, white legs in the picture. Those are mine and I sat behind him while I took the picture. I will have to take some more flattering ones next time.
Other than that excitement, my weekend was pretty boring. I sat through an extrememly boring presentation with Juan that ooncerned time shares all in the name of a free 3 day trip to Vegas. They tried really hard to get our money, but in the end we walked out with ONLY our free vacation in hand. I'm hoping we can use it for my birthday and talk one of the grandmas into babysitting. Oh, and it looks like the VA approved my school money so come October I will be able to start saving some cash and I can get the stupid credit card paid off finally!! I'm really happy about that. Guess I will go play with my little man now.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


I went to the store the other day and there was a lady in there with her daughter. This baby was probably about 8 or 9 months old but looked to be 40 pounds!! It was a horrific sight. The babies face was so fat that her eyes were squinted shut. I hate to say that some babies are ugly, but this one really was. I don't know if the mother is feeding her too much or giving her foods she shouldn't, but it made me extremely grateful that Dominik is such a handsome lean guy. There's no way I would carry around a baby that big because I'm sure a person's arms and back would tire quickly.
Speaking of babies, I finally got to meet my niece Chloe. Her and Kelsey came to Boise on a whim and so I picked them up at the airport. Chloe sure is a cutie!! She took right to Dominik too and seemed to enjoy running her fingers through his hair during a photo shoot that Karen was conducting. Too bad she lives in TX or I could see Chloe and Dominik having future playdates. It was nice seeing the 2 of them and also Karen and my cousin Rainey and her son Noah as well. We pigged out on some delicious pasta at Johnny Carino's which Karen graciously treated us to.
Lastly, I ate some tuna at lunch out of one of those pouches and it had a funny taste to it. I only ate a couple of bites because I wanted to convince myself I wasn't tasting things and since it turned out it really was "funny", I tossed the rest. It wasn't expired so I don't know what was wrong with it, but hopefully I won't get food poisoning or something, although it would be nice to have tomorrow off! =0)

Saturday, August 4, 2007


I found this tigger outfit at this store called Other Mothers. They only sell baby stuff and you can trade in old clothes and accessories for cash or store credit. It's a pretty good deal. They don't always give you much for the clothes because they are picky with what they take. I took a whole box of clothes in which were all in great condition and they only paid me for about 8 things. The way I look at it though is it's better to get some money than none at all for them. Anyway, back to the outfit. It looked brand new (and I think it is) and I only paid $2.99 for the outfit. You can find some really good deals on clothes in there and it's nice since they grow out of them so fast. I will get more picky when he starts kindergarten. Bottom line... I think Lil Dom looks adorable in his new outfit and it even matches his bouncy tigger toy that Grandma Rosa bought him.

Well, my week off work was nice. I didn't really do much, but I enjoyed not working; especially after the promotion incident last week. I have drill this weekend and it's boring as usual but I like all the people there so it's not too terrible. Tues is when I have to face the peons at Counterdrug. OH well, I'm sure I will survive and hope October comes quickly so I have those other job openings that I plan on applying for.

Oh, and my college is over until October. I got an A in my class so I have a 3.8 GPA. I think I will be able to sustain that until I am forced to take the dreaded math class. A friend of mine from work attends the same online college as me, so we are going to take that class at the same time so he can assist me since I suck so bad at it and have never understood it no matter how long I stared at the stupid examples. Thank goodness I only have to take 1 math class to get my degree and I think it's the easiest math class available. It seems like men are always good at math and us women are good at everything else!

Guess I've blabbed enough for one night. I am going to hit the hay early since I have been awake since 4 am. Between Dominik teething and Juan's snoring I didn't get much sleep last night. Good thing I like coffee now.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Well, I think Dominik may be teething now. He started acting really fussy a couple days ago and that's definitely not normal for him. He didn't look sick or anything so my and dad felt his gums. It feels like there's a little something pokey in his upper gums and with they way he's been drooling and eating his fingers, I assume that's what's going on. He also hasn't been eating as much as usual. I need to educate myself on how long it usually takes for the tooth to come through the gums. We are on day 4 of fussy Dom now, but his gums pretty much feel the same to me. I got his teether toys put in the fridge though and picked up some orajel for him so hopefully it will work good.

I'm on vacation again this week, but still not doing anything very exciting. Just house work and running errands for the most part. Oh, and spending time with my fussy little guy. This vacation time came at a great time because after being told I couldn't get promoted because of the budget, they promoted SSG Lewis last Friday! I was so pissed off I confronted him and of course, no one could give me a good answer. Apparantely, there's money for everyone but me. Hopefully I will get a new job this October when they open up. I REALLY hope so as I'm sick of the buddy system at my work. I will just continue to do what I'm supposed to, but Mrs. Friendly is gone for the moment.

IN good news, the heat has finally gone down a little. Instead of being over 100, it's only in the 90's. It's still really hot, but I can definitely feel the difference in the temp. Oh, and I tried an Ostrich burger from Fuddruckers the other day and I highly recommend them! It was very good and they are really low in fat. It tasted really similar to a hamburger to me, but less greasy. MMmmm..... talking about them made me crave one right now. Maybe next week.

I guess that's all that's going on right now. Kelsey, if you have any insight into the teething thing, let me know. Thanks!!