My Weight Tracker Familia Mendoza: January 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008


Well, this is the end of my wonderful long weekend. I guess work isn't so bad because it keeps me from sitting around the house, but I still enjoy being lazy and going where I want when I want. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. Lil Dom stayed at grandma Rosa's Fri and Sat night so Juan and I went to a couple hockey games, saw the new flick Cloverfield and ate some delicious sushi. It was nice to get out and do some things. I also got caught up on housework since I didn't have a little man attaching himself to my leg slowing down my progress.
Speaking of my little man, here's his latest stats:

As you can see in the above pic, he loves having his tummy rubbed like an alligator while he hangs upside down (facing the tv of course).
He now has 6 teeth, 4 upper and 2 lower.
He used his sippy cup by himself for the first time today.
He weighs 20 whopping pounds!!
He cries nonstop when dropped off in gym daycare. He stops only if the "ladies" carry him around the entire time until we return for him.
He sleeps through the night now, which is awesome for us!

Other than that stuff, it's the same old thing around here. Dominik will be 1 in a little over a month which is crazy to me. I can't believe how quickly the time has passed. WE are going to have a small birthday party for him and give him his first piece of cake, so that should be a lot of fun. I need to go find him some 18 month spring/summer clothes since he will be needing them soon and at this age, he doesn't really care what he gets as gifts. He's already outgrowing his 12 month stuff so I guess I better move ahead of schedule.
Well, guess I will get back to enjoying my last day off. I'm up at 5 am to go to the gym before work and burn some calories!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Dominik finally decided he can hold his own bottle and feed himself. It's pretty nice not having to sit there and hold it for him. Getting Dom to feed himself real food is another story however. He will feed himself crackers and teething biscuits. Everything else he wants to be hand fed but hopefully that will change soon. He thinks his food is a toy and just crushes it and throws it on the ground.
He also decided that he has to investigate everything on the bottom of the coffee table and the phone book is a definite favorite. It's missing the first 3 pages plus a couple in the middle.

As far as I go, school started back up and I'm hoping that I do ok in my Sports Psychology class. I don't think I'm too good at analyzing things and that seems to be what it's all about. I need to figure out a way to pull it off and hopefully I do the assignments correctly. We will see once I turn in my first paper. Work has been really hectic but the days go by alot faster which in nice. I have to go to Lewiston next month for a couple days, then in April I go to CA for a week and then in Dec I go to Little Rock, AR for 2 weeks. THese trips are all for some classes that I need for work. I'm thinking by the time the last one comes around Juan may need to find a full time day job and Dom will have to start daycare. It's rough trying to get someone to watch Dom on the days I work late and Juan has to be to work by 5 the majority of the time. Since Dominik will be almost 2 by that time, hopefully daycare won't cost an arm and a leg like it does for newborns.
Other than that, it's the same old thing. Hopefully I can go out and do something fun soon after all this work I've been doing!