My Weight Tracker Familia Mendoza: March 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Well, I love lattes and Juan suprised me Mon morning by bringing me one after he went to hockey practice since I had the day off. I drank all but a small amount which I failed to pour into the sink before throwing the cup away. This is the result of my actions...

Dominik oh so quietly got it out of the trash can somehow, poured it all over the kitchen floor, and then proceeded to play in the coffee with a couple of his favorite toys. He was being so quiet that Juan decided to peak into the kitchen to see what Dom was up to. I heard him freak out so I had to investigate. As you can see there was a huge pudde of coffee and Dominik was covered in it. Every piece of clothing he had on got stained with delicious smelling coffee but luckily it was the last time he was going to wear that outfit since he had pretty much outgrown it. Moral of the story... buy a trashcan with a lid on it.
Here's another pic of him with his new spiky haircut. It looked so cute I had to add it on here.

In my news, I am just still super busy at work and I'm trying to get in quick shape because I have to take a physcial fitness test in 2 weeks before I head off to a 6 day school in CA. It will be my first time away from the family for that long so hopefully the time will go quickly and it won't be too horrible.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

28th Birthday

Well, on March 9th I turned 28. I can't believe I'm actually 2 years from 30! I guess the positive thing is no one I meet or work with thinks I'm as old as I am so that will be great when I'm 40 or 50. Juan took me to lunch at Mcraths Fish House and then we went and saw the new show 10000 B.C. Both were pretty good and Dominik had a good time with his babysitter, Uncle Tony.
Dominik is also getting to the point where he really wants to walk so Juan and I have been taking him outside with his buggy that he can wheel around so he can walk a good distance instead of only being able to go a few feet in our apt. He loves that and laughs and screams the whole time he's walking. I'm hoping he will be walking without assistance by the summer.
Mmmmm... I can't believe that's all my news when I haven't written much lately. Oh well, guess I spend most of my time at work so I'm not very exciting. Enjoy the pics!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008


So I know I have really been slacking with this blog lately. I haven't had any new pics since my camera died and I need to get some new batteries. So, what is going on with me? Well, Dominik turned 1 on 24 Feb 08 and he had an awesome time. He seemed to know that everyone was together to celebrate him for some reason and he had fun with all the wrapping paper and new toys he got. Grandpa Don even made him his own mini cake and he stuck his hands in the frosting then started crying. I don't think he liked the stickiness so he didn't destroy it and make a huge mess like most babies do. Also, he is slowly starting to stand for a few seconds at a time by himself and he loves pushing around his little toy that helps him walk so hopefully he will be running around by himself soon. He sure likes to take his own sweet time doing things. The good news with him is he no longer uses bottles. He drinks everything out of a sippy cup now and is off the formula. That saves me a bunch each month!!
As far as I go, I finished up school so I am taking a break for a while. I am just so busy that school sucks and I am not motivated at all. I'm still waiting on the professors to post the grades though which seems to be taking forever. I am pretty sure I got an A in my Rehab class, but probably only a C in sports psychology. That class was very difficult for me and I wasn't interested in it at all. Oh well, at least I should pass it.
Juan is still playing hockey and loving it so no changes there. This Sunday he is taking me to lunch and a movie for my birthday so that should be fun. We are going to see 10,000 BC which looks pretty good.
Well, I will scan some of Dom's birthday pics when I get a chance and I will try and remember to buy some batteries this weekend.