Dominik successfully made it through his first Christmas and I must say he wasn't too impressed. Of course this is because he had no clue what was happening. All he knew was there was a whole bunch of paper laying all over the floor that he could play with and then all of a sudden he had new toys in front of him. The day was a good one though as we just relaxed and stayed home since the 2 days prior were spent driving around Idaho visiting family. That sure is tiring, but it was nice to see everyone, especially those I don't get to visit with very often.
I was spoiled enough to get a couple of Victoria Secret gift cards so tomorrow my new assets will have something new to wear. Hopefully the mall won't be too crazy. People still work don't they?? Sometimes it doesn't seem like it with all the crowds everywhere.
I'm also upset about the snow situation. The weather man pretty much guaranteed us a white xmas this year and when I woke up, nothing! I don't see why you need a degree in order to be a weather man because other than coming close with temperatures, they are usually wrong about everything else. OH yeah, the snow came today. Guess better late than never.
In Lil Dom news, he now gives kisses. You just ask him for a kiss and he opens his mouth and comes at your face until you give him a smooch. It's really quite cute. He also figured out to get off the couch by himself today. I am amazed at how quickly he is learning stuff now days. He gets more fun all the time.
Well, I suppose I will get back to relaxing. I had to work today but I get the next few days off to continue my shamming. Whoo hoo!!