Well, I broke down and spent money I don't have on a new camera. My other one would have had to of been sent out for repair and who knows what that would have cost, plus I wanted to have a camera to take with me to the Family Reunion and I know I wouldn't have gotten mine back in time. I went with the Nikon Coolpix S210. It seems pretty nice and it's small which makes it easy to carry.
So the mushroom head pic came from a dinner of pizza. Dominik loves pizza but he thinks it's fun to put his dinner in his hair every once in a while. I don't know why, but he does so here is an awesome mushroom stuck to the side of his head. I'm sure there's some sauce in there as well with a bit of cheese to ensure the sweet matted down look. Other new things with him is he loves to comb his own hair, he tries to whistle and makes the sound that happens when someone blows air over the top of a coke bottle and he makes some interesting sounding car sounds while playing with his matchbox vehicles. All very cute and talented on his part, but he still isn't interested in saying real words except for mama, dada and an occasional uh oh. He's been slow with everything else as well so I'm sure he'll just start talking one day and suprise me.
Mmmm... well I'm a boring person. I took yesterday and today off because I was sick of working so I got some good family time in. Tomorrow it's back to the gym and then work. Whoo hooo!! Can't wait for the 4th of July vacation. 1 more week to go.