My Weight Tracker Familia Mendoza: WAITING!

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I had my job interview on Monday and I feel pretty good about it. They said it could take up to 10 days for them to notify everyone with the results, but it usually doesn't take that long. I'm on day 3 and not knowing is killing me. I just want to get this whole thing over with so I can quit thinking about it. Hope for the best everyone!!! One good thing is the State Sergeant Major has been telling people that I answered the questions well and am more knowledgeable than most of the other people that were interviewed. This is crazy because everyone else is higher ranking than me. I'm happy to know I'm somewhat smart. haha
I got some good news today though. I think you all remember my pay issues and how the government took back that money before taxes which was $450 I never received. Well, I put in for a loan through the family support group out here at work since my paycheck was going to be $1083.00 short thanks to them taking back all that money at once. This was going to be better than going through my bank because I wouldn't have to pay interest on the loan. Well, a bunch of big wigs looked at my application and once they saw the reason for it they just gave me a grant for that money so I don't have to pay anything back. It's awesome!!! I'm happy it worked out since that whole fiasco wasn't my fault at all. I can now pay the bills and buy food for the month.
What else.... Dominik is still doing great. He spends the days REFUSING to take naps which results in him going to bed at 6:15 in the evening. Today Juan tried getting him to take a nap twice and he either screams until you get him out or he pulls down his crib bumper and peeks out of it waiting for someone to come by and get him. I don't know how he makes it through the day without naps, it's crazy. He would rather just play on the floor all day long with his toys. He sleeps well at night which is nice, but I don't get to spend much time with him during the week due to his early bedtime. Hopefully this nap refusal won't last long. Well, I guess I will try and get up the motivation to go for a run before I head home for the day.


At October 25, 2007 at 2:54 PM , Blogger crazy lady said...

Wow! I'm glad you got the grant. That's fantastic. Sounds like you did well on the interview. And that should make you feel good no matter how it all turns out.
As far as the nap thing just depends on the child. Kelsey stopped taking naps at a very early age - and Tyson was still taking naps in kindergarten (long after Kelsey had stopped). In fact, I'm pretty sure he would still take naps if he could get away with it. I know I'd like to nab one once in awhile.
Good Luck with the job!

At October 26, 2007 at 4:15 PM , Blogger Kelsey said...

That's great that they gave you a grant! Finally something went your way, you deserve a break. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your job situation (not literally, but you know what I mean). I can relate with the nap thing. Chloe takes really short naps at daycare, so I have to put her to bed by 7:00, which means I don't get to see her nearly as much as I'd like. This summer she went through a phase where she only took one nap a day, but then she started taking 2 again, so maybe Dom will go back to napping, too. Hope so!


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