My Weight Tracker Familia Mendoza: I'M A SLACKER!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I know I haven't done a post in awhile so here is a picture free one. I have been busy with annual meetings at work so I haven't had much computer time. I have some new pics of my little man that I will try and post soon.
So let me start by complaining. This whole time I have been told at Counterdrug that I'm not getting promoted because of the budget. Well, 1 guy got a job with the FBI so that opens up his SSG pay right there. Now the Sergeant Major is telling me that he can't justify making my current position a SSG slot because I don't do enough or have enough responsibility or some crap. I really don't think these people realize how much I do around here plus, I have asked to be moved to an outside office or I at least want more work in the office. Do you think I got a response on either idea?? NO. Well, I am turning in my packet tomorrow for that job I really want since I have finally completed it. Please, everyone who does pray, pray for me to do well on the interview so I can get this job and get my promotion that I should have had since April. I would appreciate good thoughts on this from everyone.
Now to Little Dom, I thought he was only getting 1 tooth on the bottom right now because you can finally see it poking through the gums. Well, dad was playing with him and we saw one poking through the top too. It looks like he's getting all 4 at once the poor guy. He's still being a really good boy through it all, but you can tell that his gums are bothering him. He hates orajel so getting it on his gums involves some well-timed finger acrobatics to get it on there. Plus, I don't think he likes the flavor very much. We started feeding him the baby food that has meat flavors now and he is really a big fan of those. I think I will have to buy him a new car seat next month because he is getting too long for his current one. If anyone has a suggestion on a good car seat that starts rear facing and then can be turned front facing when Dom turns 1, please let me know.
Well, guess I will get ready for the annual meetings again. They are sooo boring!


At September 19, 2007 at 6:21 AM , Blogger crazy lady said...

Ouch!! 4 at once can't be much fun. I'll be praying and sending good thoughts your way, be sure to let me know when you get the interview.
Sounds like you're keeping busy in spite of what your boss says. Things are pretty busy here, but so what else is new?

At September 19, 2007 at 5:32 PM , Blogger Kelsey said...

The mormons have been trying to get me to start praying, and if I ever remember to do it, I'll defiantly include you in my prayer. You've been putting up with that crap for too long, you deserve a change. I look forward to seeing new pictures of little Dom!


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