New Plan
After a week of thinking about it, I have decided to try a new way to lose weight. One of my co-workers has been doing the Medifast plan for a few weeks now and she has already lost over 20 lbs. It's a low fat, low carb diet that includes shakes, oatmeals, soups, puddings, and energy bars. Basically, you have 6 of these various items a day and then for dinner you have a lean meat with either a salad or green veggies like spinach. After you lose what you want, you slowly transition dairy, grains, fruits etc back into your diet so you metabolism remains stable. I'm confident that I should be able to lose a few pounds on this because Leah and I have the same body type/build so if she can do it, I should be able to. I also work out at least 3 days a week so that should really help. The food was a bit pricey, but I am dong the 4 week program to give it a try. I think I will like it as I hate cooking and I won't have to buy much at the grocery store. If anyone else is interested in this you can get info at They have seperate programs for men, women, and even diabetics. Anyhow, I'll let you know how it works out for me. 15 lbs weight loss would make me very happy. I went about a week or so without eating my snacks between meals and I gained 5 lbs!!! CAn you believe that crap. I guess it really slowed down my metabolism back so now I"m eating snacks again. I'm the most I have ever weighed while not pregnant. It's pretty depressing, especially since I have been working out and eating well the majority of the time. I don't know what the deal is.
As far as Dominik's playdate on Superbowl Sunday went, he had a good time over all. The 2 boys crawled around and played with a ball together. Dominik is already in his selfish stage though since he hasn't been around other kids. Anytime the other baby would play with his stuff, Dom would go over and take it away from him. It was kind of funny but I want him to learn how to share so when he's a bit older I will have to teach him about all that stuff. I got a couple pics of them that I will post later. Guess my lunch break is over so tata for now.
Good luck on the new plan. It's always nice to get the weight off. The trick is keeping it off. Anymore I don't seem to be able to do either...sigh
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