My Weight Tracker Familia Mendoza: I FOUND MY FEET!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Only 3 more days of work to go and I FINALLY get a day off. Thank goodness, otherwise I think I would die of boredom. Don't get me wrong, I like my job and it pays decent, but sometimes it's just so slow that watching a snail scoot a mile would be more exciting. Enough about that, Little Dom discovered his feet yesterday. He really seems to enjoy grabbing his own feet and making a go at pulling off his socks.

He also got a taste of rice cereal off a spoon tonight but he didn't quite understand that "spoon thingy" and most of his cereal ended up on his face and his bib. In other news, Juan turned the big 33 on June 6th. Don't let him fool you as he has been telling everyone he is only 30. I think he's in denial and this could be the beginning of a mid-life crisis. haha!! And speaking of his birthday, with birthdays comes birthday cake and I am proud to report I didn't even taste it. His mom, step-dad, sister and bro all came over and brought Pizza Hut and cake so I watched with drool running down my face while they all pigged out and I enjoyed ANOTHER salad. I do love salads though so it's not as bad as I'm making it sound. Someone at work retired during our Annual Training which also means...... a cake! I also resisted that one so I am proud of myself thus far. I think my motivation is the mental picture I have in my head of what I want to look like at the end of this diet insanity. People have said my face definitely looks thinner and I know weight tends to come off there first, then the extremities, and lastly, the stomach. That figures since that's where the baby weight is at so I suppose it will be a little while longer before the tummy gets thinner. Oh, and this is what happens when you let grandma take baby out for the day. Baby comes home wearing a new outfit.


At June 12, 2007 at 8:34 PM , Blogger crazy lady said...

Good for you resisting all those goodies! I can't say I've done so well here. Kelsey made a delightful cake with cream cheese frosting and I didn't resist well at all. Dom has the prettiest eyes! What a cutie patootie!

At June 14, 2007 at 9:39 AM , Blogger Kelsey said...

I also must applaud you for resisting all that cake. I know I couldn't do it. I'm going to have a heck of a time trying to get back into shape after this kid since I didn't even come close to losing all the weight I put on with Chloe before I got pregnant again.

And hooray for little Dom and discovering his feet! That reminds me of when Chloe first discovered her feet. She also spent many hours tugging at her socks and putting her feet in her mouth. Now I just don't bother putting socks on her.


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